
Weather change cold these few days.  Temperature from last week 28-30 drop down to around 25-28.  The strong wind makes me cannot sleep soundly.  I am now a little bit snotting also.  It is a sign that autumn comes and summer is leaving.
Most of the boutique starts the final sales of summer clothes and display with the new release.  I bought some long sleeve pullovers also during this weekend.
I am currently considering of my MBA study.  Actually I already have fews target business school and busy on attend to the seminars recently.  School ranking, workshop schedule, course duration, course structure are my selection criteria.  Besides, my mental and physical status are the other important factors. 




在整個過程中,要在工作和學習中取得平衡,真是一都不容易。尢其過去一年工作上有很大的轉變,再加上 workshop, assignment 和應付考試,身體和精神都接近崩潰。
不過現在我已得到應有的回報,而且令我體會到家人和朋友的關心才是最大的寶物。雖然父母沒有說出口,但是感覺到他們對我們幾個在學業和工作上的績都很滿意。我們幾個的Degree 都是自給自足,所以他們會也為我們的成果而感到驕傲
在Graduate Ceremony中發現原來有大約有60%的BBA畢業生都是拿Distinction。 雖然如此,不過我也沒有感到不高興,不會拿自己和別人比較。因為自己從中到的不只是書本上的知識,還有擴闊了眼光與思維、學習怎樣與其他組員相處和建立信任、更加可以了解不同行業的運作


Finally received my promotion appointment.
I had taken up my team since 7-Jul-05, which was the most critical moment on my BBA studies.  However, I had no choice and it was really a good opportunity for my career development. 
The team was messy when I took up initially.  Huge number of orders were received daily and cause of backlog; most of the teammates were contractor staff and lack of experience & product knowledge; so many complaints were received daily regarding sales attitude, mishandling of order; lack of cohesiveness, team spirit, discipline and enthusiasm.
After more than a year, the team is seem on the track but still have many areas to be improved.  As a manager, I have the responsibiity to ensure the team performance, staff development; setup certain procedure and provide guidance to my teammates; monitoring the agent behavior and fine tuning of the handshaking in between..........
Frankly, all the tasks are hard to get the balance for all related parties but challenging.  Procedure alignment and consolidation is my strength, but managing people is the most hardest task.  Every job involve people is not easy to control the performance and outcome, it is the most different way as compare with my previous position.........

